Weight Loss ASAP:


It’s Ben here and I am now back on my favourite topic of weight loss


Always Target Fat Loss

Fat reduction is complete process. It involves many steps. One of the most important steps is that you plan the whole process and do so intelligently and efficiently. You should set goals and targets in a specified manner so that you can stick to them better and cut that extra fat quickly and permanently.


You will see that most of the dieters mostly set goals and plans which involve demand. They try to make it a do or die situation. Their goals are loaded with words like “always”, “never”, “every” and “must”. You should know that nobody is perfect.


When you imply demand like I swear I’ll never have a doughnut or I’ll never miss gym you are deliberately setting yourself up for failure because you are trying to be perfect. In most cases people who do this end up failing. This ends up in disappointment and demoralization.


Most people give up start again on their bad diet too. You should remember that to err is human. You should think practically. This will help you set realistic goals which are achievable. You will fell rewarded if you do so. There is another problem associated with setting goals. This is creating goals that are way too high. These goals are out of reach and not based on logical thinking. You here dieters saying that they will lose 50 pounds by the end of the month of they are going to walk ten miles a day.


These goals will overwhelm you because of the time they require and simply because they are gigantic. Another issue with this approach is that that you can only be successful when you complete the goal and the goal so impossibly large and far away that it mostly leaves people with despair.


This does not necessarily mean that your goals should not be challenging. They should be but huge goals are most likely to end up in failure. It is important to break down your huge goal into parts which you can accomplish easily and gradually. This will build you morale and help you feel rewarded too.


Setting goals and organizing yourself is a perfect way to get started. They can be used to use your time better and spend energy on required areas.


 Your goals should be short term and specific. They should mostly comprise of what you are going to do tomorrow or next week. They should specify exactly what you plan to do so can have clarity.


 The goals you set should be traceable. You can track them by keeping a dairy or journal. This helps you see your progress and motivates you too.


 Your goals should exhibit positivity. This will further enhance your morale. They  should be “I will” rather than “I won’t”. Negative goals will leave you with a sense of depravity.


 Try not to lose fat for others. Do it for yourself so that you can do it better.


 Appreciating the journey is important. You should reward yourself in some way after every small victory.


 Your goals should be realistic so that you can have long-term success. You can live with these goals and make them a part of your life.





Here are some common Logo_Small

 Myths about Fat Loss

The human body is built to survive. It slowly adapts in order to persist in tough conditions.           It has evolved in to a fat piling machine. Our bodies store the food that is not immediately         used for energy as fat. This fat is converted back in to energy for our brain and muscles when our food intake is not enough. For the ancient human this was a very helpful ability.


But in today’s time when food is abundant this is a serious issue for us.

The global increase in obesity and high fat is due to a number of factors, but whatever the factors maybe maintaining a healthy fat is vital. In order to lose fat our body must use more calories than we eat or drink.


Fat loss has been brought up as a serious issue worldwide and many people are now considering this as an actual problem. More and more people are committed to fat loss.


We will be looking at the top myths associated with fat loss.


Starving can result in fat loss

Starving yourself is probably the worst way to lose fat. These crash diets have no results in the long run. Starving yourself can even lead to fat gain. The biggest issue with this type of diet is that you cannot maintain it. As you starve yourself the energy level decreases. This causes you to yearn for high-fat and high-sugar foods and when you finally give in to your hunger you will probably eat more food than you really need. So this approach can end fat gain.


A vigorous exercise is the only way to lose fat

Many people are still of the opinion that strenuous exercise is the only way to lose fat. In order to successfully control your fat, changes in your physical activity must be small and gradual. Normally an adult between 19 and 64 at least need 150 minute of physical activity, every week. Over fat individuals probably need more than this. Using more calories than you are eating can cause you to lose fat. Exercise burns more calories and eating less decreases the intake. You should have sound combination of the two to lose fat.


Slimming pills have long-term effects

Slimming pills are not a way to lose fat affectively. They should only be used when prescribed by a doctor. Other than that these pills can also have wide array of side effects. Long-term fat loss cannot be achieved by pills.


Putting a halt to snacking can help you lose fat

People who have an active lifestyle need a snack in-between meals to maintain their energy level. Snacking is not a problem when you are losing fat. The thing that matters is the type on snack. You should try and consume fruits and vegetables rather than chocolates or crisps which have high sugar and saturated fat.


You can lose fat by drinking water

Water cannot help you lose fat. Water is necessary for your optimal health. It also keeps you hydrated. When you are hydrated you are less likely to snack. People often mistake being thirsty for being hungry so if you are not hydrated you may eat more. You need at least 1.2 liters of water daily. Water keeps you hydrated and does not help you lose fat.


You can lose fat by skipping meals

If you are trying to lose fat skipping meals is not a good idea. Losing fat means that you have to reduce the intake of calories or increase the burning of calories. When you skip meals you are likely to feel tired and you will suffer from malnutrition. High-fat and high-sugar snacking can result in such a situation which will only result in fat gain.

Carbs are not helpful for dieters

Carbohydrates are a great source of energy. All Carbs are not equal. Low-carb diets are vital. You just need to limit the amount of processed carbs such as white bread or croissants. You can enjoy beans and whole grains such as brown rice and whole-wheat bread. Fruits and vegetables are rich in nutrients and fiber and low in calories so they help reduce risk of obesity and heart disease. Carbs also help you burn body fat.


Frozen fruits and vegetables are not as nutritious as fresh ones

This is another myth associated with dieting. Fruits and vegetables picked at the peak of           ripeness are full of more vitamins and minerals. The amount of nutrients drops as they are shipped and stored. Frozen products are flash frozen so they are almost as full of nutrients as fresh ones. Frozen products without added sugar, syrup, sauce or cheese have less calories.


Not having breakfast will help you lose fat

This is a common practice among novice dieters. They assume that by not having breakfast will help them control their fat. According to a recent British study which consisted of 6,764 people who skipped breakfast gained twice as much fat over the course of four years as breakfast eaters. Speaking of skipping breakfast it must also be mentioned that skipping any meal will cause you to gain fat.


Your fat and metabolism is determined by your genes

This is also a big myth associated with fat issues. Most obese people argue that their fat is a cause of their heritage. This is false concept. Only 25 percent of your body fat is determined by your genes. You can lower your fat by combining low-calorie diet and exercise. Metabolism can also be increased by performing strength and resistance exercises.


The best time for exercise is early morning

People often argue that exercise done in the morning is much more useful. This is a false assumption. You will benefit the same amount and burn the same number of calories whenever you work out. The important thing to remember is to keep doing it regularly.


Depending whether you have free time in the evening or morning you can work out whenever you want. The key thing is that you do.

See You soon





Weight Loss continued

Bed Conrad back with some weekend tips

The Diet Stress Factor

Generally, the new generation has stuffed their minds with the dieting and literally end up following a crash diet. Even if they are not fat or obese, they keep themselves on diet because of that peculiar “size zero” popularity.

Keeping yourself starved is not a good idea to get rid of the unwanted fats. Face is the first victim of diet. When you start dieting barely anything happens in the first phase, but the major difference you feel is your unattractive complexion and your weak face.

To run the race of losing fat you completely neglect or forget the other essential

important things and trade off your looks on the first place. But avoid stressing yourself.

As it is so difficult to stick to the same diet, it makes you dull and bored. It is like doing something with immense pressure or utter compulsion. It is very difficult to maintain this but it is your will power that will carry you to the end.

At times people lose their mind to follow a diet plan. After the hard work of months and years, the not-expected result cause people intense disappoint and they lose their heart as well. No doubt, keeping oneself away from different types of tempting food requires a lot of sacrifice, patience and endurance.

Diet is not for the long run. You will get fed up of starving yourself. Who does not like to eat? Thinking of diet in your mind will make you stressed and anxious. Don’t you know one of the things that make you gain instant weight is stress? The more stressed you are the more you will gain fat. Suppose you have an egg, pea, potato and walnut. Do you think you need one tool to cut them all? The answer is clearly no, because they all have different body types and structure. Likewise we all have different body types it is not possible to lose fat by doing same exercise and diet. People go on crazy diets and do not exercise at all. They just get themselves weak over a mal-nutritious diet plan.

It is not at all good for health. Our body needs specific amount of proteins and  carbohydrates. Food gives you energy when and you utilize the food by working and exercising you can never get bad fats. Do you wonder why dieting is not helping you lose fat?

The common mistake is that you keep on starving yourself regardless of the fact that it gives you the unhappiness, you don’t notice the main reason why you are gaining fat and it is definitely the anxiety, stress and depression caused by it. There is a strong connection of stress with the fat gain but few people realize this fact.

Have a lovely weekend




More tips on weight loss

Did you know that crash diets never create long term fat loss?
The simple truth is – these diets are more likely to be the source of long term FAT GAIN – which become too hard to maintain.
When the body gets low on energy – a craving for high-fat and high-sugar foods CAN OVERWHELM YOU.
Check out our link below for more information. See you in part 2.


lose fat

More on Weight Loss

Hi———-it’s Ben again

Recognise any of these?

10 Reasons Why You Fail to  Lose Fat

LOSE 10 POUNS COVERAchieving the best health and optimum fat through diet and exercise is not an overnight process. It requires systematic approach, well-defined goals and a planned health strategy. The realization that you would start panting after a mild climb of three to four stairs is something to be worried about. Human body is the best possible form of a machine; but like other man made machines, this piece of intelligence and strength also requires constant maintenance and repair.


The main aspect of keeping your body healthy and active is the balanced diet and regular exercise. Other variables like fat loss, aerobics, yoga etc. can guarantee a unique physique but the primary benefit lies in the diet you eat and the workout you perform to maintain the best body fat.


Fat loss is not an overnight process. It requires determination and patience along with momentarily patience. There is not just one reason that you are constantly failing in achieving a well-toned body. Incompetent in reducing your calories, not having a balanced diet, unable to cut down junk food and certain medical conditions can deteriorate your fat loss and fitness. Following are the reasons why you fail to lose fat:


  1. Eating when you are not hungry – You are eating either you are bored, stressed out or emotionally upset. Most of the people want to fill up their mouths with food but doesn’t want to fill up their bellies, which is totally illogical. Munching pointlessly for the sake of time pass will enable you to put on more fat. Some people eat chocolates when they are stressed out or undergoing emotional breakdown. What they don’t realize is that besides the fact that chocolate is an anti-depressant, they are likely to gain fat more quickly in those days. People like to eat every time they sit in front of their TV screens.


  1. Consuming more Calories than required – Keeping track of how many calories you averagely consume per day is very important. Set a threshold level against your fat and restrict yourself to consume calories above it. Maintaining a record should be an obligation to lose fat. Without proper check and balance you can also fall into over eating and fail to evaluate how many calories you consume daily.


  1. Skipping breakfast – It is no myth that people who skip breakfast are likely to get more obese than those who start their day with a healthy breakfast. Breakfast enhances your metabolism, lowers your cholesterol level, vitalizes your energy, makes you more productive and improves your focus level. A healthy breakfast containing fibers and carbohydrates will help you prevent excessive hunger that can initiate overeating in lunch or dinner. The idea is very simple; if you starve yourself till lunch or dinner, you will definitely eat more and completely fail to lose fat.


  1. Lack of Aerobic Exercise – One of the best ways to lose fat instantly is to perform aerobic exercises. 30 minutes of indulgence in aerobic exercises can burn handsome amount of calories. Eating three meals a day along with extra stuffing will give you many extra calories and the only way to burn them is through cardiovascular workouts such as running, cycling, trekking, skipping, jogging, swimming, and walking. Aerobics shall not only help you lose fat but intense workouts like stretching and strength training will give you more muscular strength and flexibility.


  1. Lack of Muscle Building – The most effective method of burning fat and building muscle mass is strength training. Strength training affectively increases bone density, strengthens the heart, lowers pumping blood pressure, enhances blood flow activity, prevents degeneration of muscles, helps control blood sugar to an optimum level, improves cholesterol levels and tremendously improves your physical balance.


  1. Excessive Perseverance Of Fluids – At times your body can start to retain water more than usual causing a serious condition known as edema. Edema is primarily caused by excessive salt in diet, severe medications, damaged or diseased liver or kidney, congestive heart failure, damaged lymphatic system, menstrual cycle, pregnancy and even hormonal imbalance.


  1. Underactive Thyroid – Also known as Hypothyroidism, underactive thyroid plays a dramatic role against fat loss. People undergoing this medical condition will put on fat more quickly than those facing obesity. Underactive Thyroid is very common in both males and females aged from 40 to 50. Most common symptoms are hair fall, skin irritation, chronic fatigues, decline in immunity, sensitivity to cold, irregular periods, muscle and joint pains, regular cramps and muscle numbness.


  1. Hormone Imbalance – This occurs when those hormones that actively participate in controlling fat are either outnumbered or are out of balance. Many doctors support the idea that balancing hormones level is the secret to fat loss, eliminating sleeping disorders, catalyst energy, stress life and active health. Certain factors revolve around hormonal imbalances, such as acne, hair problems, pregnancy, severe medications, malnutrition, infertility and menstrual problems.


  1. Indigestion – There might be certain types of food that are unfit for your stomach and are unable to be digested by you. Even at time your stomach might show zero tolerance towards them, such as due to excess acidity in your stomach. Some foods can also cause fluid retention hindering your fat loss. Studies show that approximately 10% of adults are a victim of food intolerance.


  1. Drugs, Supplements or Steroids – Certain medicines have noticeable side effects related very closely to fat gain or inability to lose fat. You need to identify which medicines, anti-depressants, oral contraceptives, supplements and steroids are restricting your fat loss.

That’s it for today—be back soon


Weight Loss ASAP————–part 5

Hi—-we are now back with our next set of info and tips

Easiest Tips to Lose Fats

Naturally it is quite natural that everyone is trying to lose fat and also they want to lose it very quickly. Most of them try to take some diet pills, or switch to some fad diet, in order to lose fat. However the resulting fat loss is not long lasting. Many Studies have shown that people who lose fat gradually are more successful at keeping it off for long time. It is essential to change your lifestyle, in order to lose fat.

Therefore, if you do not have any habit to do exercise, then it is the most important recommendation to get start with it as soon as possible. You may become surprise by hearing that you can lose your fat in a natural way, without using any diet pills and fad diet. Natural fat loss is a very simple way for fat loss and it is not at all taking a diet pill or not about consuming fad diet. Mainly it is making gradual changes to your eating and lifestyle habits, due to which you lose fat and get health benefits.

Eat Vegetables

Five servings of vegetables a day steamed, raw or stir-fried are very important and consider it essential for your diet. A diet high in vegetables is linked with a reduced risk of developing cancers of the lung, breast, colon, cervix, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, bladder and ovary. Many of the most powerful phytonutrients are available in vegetables with the boldest colors such as broccoli, cabbage, tomatoes, carrot, grapes and leafy greens.

Exercise daily

This includes improving eyesight, normalizing blood pressure, improving lean muscle, lowering cholesterol and improving bone density. If you want to live well and live longer, you must exercise! Studies show that even 10 minutes of exercise makes a difference so do something! Crank the stereo and dance in your living room. Sign up for swing dancing or ballroom-dancing lessons. Walk to the park with your kids or a neighbor you’d like to catch up with. Jump rope or play hopscotch. Spin a hula hoop. Play water volleyball. Bike

to work. Jump on a trampoline. Go for a hike.

 Eat like a kid

If adding more fruits and vegetables sounds boring then look to “finger food” versions that preschool kids love such as celery and carrot sticks, cherry tomatoes, broccoli florets, berries, grapes and dried fruits. All are nourishing powerhouses full with antioxidants.

Use foods over supplements

Supplements are not a substitute for a good diet. Although many health experts recommend taking a multivitamin and mineral supplement that provides 100 to 200% of your recommended daily value, each and every supplement should be carefully evaluated for purity and safety.

Many supplements have been associated with toxicity, competition with other nutrients, reactions with medications, and even increased risk of diseases such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes.




Weight Loss ASAP—————part 3


Ben back again

I lost 3 pounds last week————–how about you?

So we proceed with our little weight loss plan

Daily Habits of Healthy


Fat loss is not as difficult as people say it is. It is definitely under your control, it’s just that you have to make a proper plan to lose your fat. If you want to lose a hundred pounds in a few weeks then don’t blame fat loss, it’s your own mistake. Fat loss demands patience and dedication. You first have to change the lifestyle you are living. You will have to add things into your life that healthy people do. Here are a few things that you should do in order to lose fat.


Make a Calorie Chart

You will have to make a calorie chart to check how many calories in a day, are you consuming. There are calorie calculators too that can better serve the purpose. You need to check out how many calories you need to consume in a day. You have to make sure that you don’t starve. Once you are done with calculating the calories, the next thing you have to do is to distribute the calories, i.e. you have to divide the total number of calories in the meals you consume per day.


Eat a balanced diet

Losing fat does not mean that you stop eating everything and starve to death. You need to know that if you are losing fat real quick, you will gain it real fast again. You have to include all carbohydrates, proteins and fats in your diet.




  • Beef
  • Chicken
  • Eggs
  • Fish

Low Carb Veggies:

  • Zucchini
  • Pumpkin
  • Potatoes
  • Corn
  • Beets
  • Peas
  • Cabbage
  • Carrot


  • Coconut oil
  • Butter
  • Olive oil


You should not be scared of consuming fat in your diet. Fish oil is a good thing to add into your nutrition plan. Do not starve yourself in order to lose fat.

Eat slowly

You should quit eating fast. When we eat, a message is passed by the brain that we are full. This process takes a long while. If you eat fast, you will be full till your brain even processes the command. It is better that you eat slowly. This way you will not eat much. You will get full by having a little amount of food.


You definitely need to do exercise to burn calories but you should not do very strenuous exercises. You may burn a lot of calories while exercising but again if you eat a bowl of cereal, you will gain the double amount of calories again. You should only exercise for a little time. All you need to do is to put your focus on what and how much you eat. Start with 5 minutes a day and when your body gets used to it, increase the time. This is an effective way to lose fat. Just eat fewer calories and you are almost done.


book cover

Bye for Now and dont eat too much supper !!

Your friend


Weight Loss ASAP—-part 2

Hi————Your friend Ben here with part 2 of my weight loss article and advice/tips

book cover

Losing fat is not easy. It’s like a slippery path where you have to walk very carefully. One wrong move and you slip down. As you learn what not to do while walking on a slippery path, you should also learn what not to include in your diet when you are trying to lose your fat. The lists of common foods you need to avoid are:


Diet Soda

Many people think that having diet soda in their diet can help reduce fat but this is so not true. Diet soda contains many artificial sweeteners that play a role in increasing fat. People who want to lose fat should completely avoid it.


Frozen food

Frozen meals might seem tempting when you are hungry. However, you need to know that those meals are loaded with salt in order to preserve them and as a result of that, your body demands more food and you need a large amount of water to dissolve that big amount of salt. It is, therefore, better to avoid them.


White Rice

If you want to lose fat, you will have to say no to white rice. You can have brown rice instead. White rice has a low number of nutrients and that makes you hungry soon.


White Bread

White bread makes your waistline grow bigger. It affects your blood sugar levels a great deal. It is better to avoid white bread if you are really serious about losing your fat.



Ketchup contains high levels of sugar and salts. Ketchup and fries might seem to be a perfect-combo but ketchup and your waistline don’t make a good combination. So, it’s high time that you stop having ketchup often.


Effect of Sugar

Sugar is good for health but when it comes to fat loss, you should probably quit consuming sugar. Sugar when consumed, converts into glucose and fructose. Glucose is very healthy for the body as our body produces it during metabolism. Fructose on the other hand, is not produced in the body and is not consumed by all cells of the body. Only the liver metabolizes and there it changes into fat.


Effects of Raised Testosterone Levels On Fat Loss

Over fat people have low levels of testosterones. You can boost your testosterone levels naturally. Following is the list of few of the foods that can help you boost your

Testosterone levels:

  • Citrus Fruits
  • Eggs
  • Red meat
  • Avocado
  • Beetroots
  • Broccoli
  • Pomegranate
  • Watermelon
  • Spinach
  • Cabbage


Can Water Be Helpful In Losing Fats?

Researchers state that water does not magically help reduce fat. But, it indirectly is related to fat loss. Keeping yourself hydrated will help you prevent overeating because you feel full. Drinking cold water increases the metabolism rate. Therefore, drinking water can be somehow helpful in losing fat.


Small Meals Throughout The Day

Losing fat doesn’t mean that you should stop eating or you should eat when your stomach gets empty. You should have small healthy meals throughout the day.


See you all again soon

Yours in friendship







Weight Loss ASAP



Ben Conrad here

Am going to write a series of articles on weight loss , which is my particular interest

I Hope you find it interesting———–I was nearly 100 pounds heavier a few years back compared to today, so I can speak from first hand personal experience


Crash diets never result in long-term fat loss. In fact, they are more likely to be the source of long- term fat gain and are too hard to maintain. It will make your body to get low on energy and cause you to crave for high-fat and high-sugar foods. When you finally give up and eat those foods, the possibility is that you will consume more calories than you need, resulting in intense fat gain.


Over restriction of caloric intake and starving yourself will have the opposite effect on your body and will cause your body to go into starvation mode where anything you eat will store as fat, as your body will not know when will get food again. However, restricting calories to a healthy amount, and adding in exercise will help you to lose fat in long term.


The main thing to remember is that your body need at least 1200 calories a day to function and you burn them naturally throughout the day even without working out. In order to lose fat, stick to at least 1500 calories or maybe a little more if you start working out daily. Start your day with rich breakfast, have healthy snacks, healthy lunch and end it with little smaller healthy dinner, two hours before you go for goodnight sleep.


Always remember that fat loss is not an overnight process; as you didn’t gain 10 lbs in a day. Therefore, you aren’t going to lose 10 lbs. in a day either. Just keep with it and stay motivated, but by all means DO NOT starve yourself. It is really harmful for your body and will lead towards opposite effects.


So instead stay motivated and follow healthy eating patterns. In general, any diet that requires eliminating 100% of signal type of food category isn’t safe and once you are off of a fad diet the fat can return in no time.


It is always recommended by famous fitness expert to include snacks several times a day. It can support you with your fat-management goals because they provide essential energy, prevent overeating, and accelerate your metabolism.


Healthy snacks provide about 200 calories or less, and also contain a combination of nutrients and fibres. Always go for a snack that contains hunger-fighting protein, beneficial carbohydrates and heart-healthy unsaturated fat (found in nuts, seeds, fatty fish, oils, olives and avocadoes).


Moreover, avoid snacks that are nutrient-poor and provide calories from little to no beneficial nutrients like fibres, minerals and vitamins.


The word diet is not a very friendly word for your health. However, most people think that going on a specific diet is all they can do to make sure the fat loss. Cutting back on cookies and chips is a wonderful idea but dieting doesn’t have to be about losing everything you love. Simply set yourself up with smaller portions at dinner and small dessert afterwards.


It is solely a doctor or dietician choice that can determine if you need to go on a true diet or not, but mostly they encourage a lifestyle and some eating pattern changes rather than depriving you of everything you love to eat.


Obesity has become a full fledge common disease these days. People tend to apply different remedies to loose fat instantly. Even latest technology is trying to incorporate several methods and techniques to enable people to get rid of flabby fat developed on their bodies. Some expensive methodologies like liposuction has also been introduced.


Only well-off people can avail this service due to its high cost. These are not the permanent ways of getting rid of fats. For the time being you might feel younger, slimmer and smarter but when the normal routine starts you again start to gain the unwanted fat.

Achieving best health through diet and exercise is not an overnight process. It requires systematic approach, well-defined goals and a planned health strategy.

The realization that you would start panting after a mild climb of three to four stairs is something to be worried about. The human body is the best possible form of a machine; but like other man made machines, this piece of intelligence and strength also requires constant maintenance and repair.

The main aspect of keeping your body healthy and active is the balanced diet and regular exercise.


Other variables like fat loss, aerobics, yoga etc. can guarantee a unique physique but the primary benefit lies in the diet you eat and the workout you perform to keep the heart running.


These days costs of medical services are soaring up to the sky. High medical bills can even leave you in debt and may lead you to inevitable stress and financial problems that can affect your body and mental health massively. Heading towards a healthy life through healthy means will enable you to live every day of your life at its best.


Will talk further next time



Positive Affirmations fоr Success

Hello and Good Morning

Further to my recent blogs about success, I am going to give a few more tips  below365 days


Positive thinking іѕ thе key tо success. Bу thinking positive, wе саn maintain оur focus оn оur tasks аnd reach new heights bу completing thеm excellently. Thе problematic thing аbоut many people іѕ thаt thеіr attention tends tо get diverted frоm thеіr aim іn thе absence оf motivation frоm аnоthеr person. Thе result оf thіѕ diversion оf attention іѕ thаt thеѕе people аrе nоt аblе tо achieve whаt thеу set оut tо. Practically, іt іѕ nоt possible fоr ѕоmеоnе tо bе present wіth уоu еvеrу time tо motivate уоu. At ѕuсh times, wе have no option but tо turn tо оurѕеlvеѕ fоr motivation аnd affirmation. Bу saying positive things tо уоurѕеlf, уоu саn prepare уоurѕеlf fоr thе challenges оf thе present аnd thе future. Wіth thіѕ change іn approach, уоu wіll notice thаt уоu wіll automatically start getting thе solutions fоr many оf уоur problems. Hоwеvеr, thе process оf self motivation has tо bе constant. Thеrе аrе ѕоmе things thаt уоu саn say tо уоurѕеlf tо help уоur mind remember уоur goals аnd ambitions. Suсh positive affirmations аrе essential fоr people оf аll age groups, аnd fоr accomplishing kinds оf goals. Given bеlоw аrе ѕuсh positive affirmations thаt уоu саn uѕе.


Fоr Children


I know thаt I аm intelligent.

I have thе capacity tо outperform іn thе upcoming annual examination.

I wіll work hard fоr success.

I know thаt mу parents аnd teachers care fоr mе.

I wіll follow аll thе instructions оf mу teachers аnd parents.

I wіll get аll mу doubts related tо studies аnd оthеr issues cleared frоm thе elders.

I wіll respect аnd treat mу colleagues wеll аnd help thеm іn need.

I wіll try tо improve оn mу weaknesses аnd develop mу strengths furthеr.

I wіll face thе adversities аnd calamities іn life wіth full confidence аnd strength.


Fоr Women


I аm nоt inferior tо thе men іn аnу aspect оf life.

I аm strong аnd саn take mу decisions independently.

I wіll try mу level best tо strike а perfect balance bеtwееn home аnd career.

I wіll give mу kids thе best education possible fоr ensuring thеіr bright future.

I wіll achieve mу goals bу working hard аnd bу being consistent іn mу efforts.

I wіll fight against аnу sort оf injustice оr bad treatment given tо mе.

I аm fully aware оf mу strengths аnd weaknesses.


Fоr Success іn Love Life


I love аnd respect mуѕеlf.

I believe іn love.

I аm ready tо start а new relationship.

I wіll accept а good love proposal whісh comes mу way.

I wіll try mу best tо make thе relationship а success.

I wіll forgive mу partner fоr hіѕ mistakes.

I wіll give hіm hіѕ space whеn necessary.

I wіll face аll thе responsibilities thаt mу relationship requires mе tо.

I wіll encourage mу partner аnd help hіm іn аll possible ways.

I wіll try tо understand mу partner wеll bу having а lot оf patience.


Staying positive саn work wonders tо make уоu realize уоur potential. Sо stay positive аnd see how іt helps уоu!


You will win, I promise you

Talk again soon

Ben Conrad

How tо Become Successful



Hi, Ben here

Continuing my articles on being successful

Whаt іѕ success? Each оf uѕ has different ideas аbоut success. Whіle ѕоmе view аt іt аѕ оvеrаll success іn life, others compartmentalize іt into various aspects оf life ѕuсh аѕ success іn thеіr relationships, family, financial aspects, аnd ѕо оn. If уоu flip thrоugh thе pages оf history, уоu wіll come асrоѕѕ many individuals whо ѕееm tо have thе Midas touch – being аblе tо achieve greatness dеѕріtе seemingly insurmountable odds. Whіle ѕоmе mау attribute pure luck аѕ thе reason fоr thеіr success, аnd others thе result оf sheer hard work, hоwеvеr, thеrе іѕ more tо thе successes оf people like Henry Ford аnd Andrew Carnegie. Following аrе eight essential tips tо become successful іn life.

1       Becoming Successful іѕ Deciding оn а Course оf Action

One оf thе first steps іѕ tо make thе decision tо achieve ѕоmеthіng. All оf uѕ know thаt nothing саn move forward untіl thаt first decision tо do ѕо іѕ made. Thе initial action іѕ always thе decision tо go аhеаd, whісh іѕ а rudimentary step, whісh many people tend tо overlook. Sо, decide оn moving forward, put уоur decision down іn writing, just tо keep іt іn focus, аnd thеn carry оn frоm thеrе.


  1. Success Means Having Clarity оf Vision аnd Purpose

Having clarity оf vision аnd purpose іѕ реrhарѕ one оf thе most important factors оf achieving success. Wіthout having а clear picture оf whаt іt іѕ ехасtlу thаt уоu want tо achieve аnd how уоu аrе going tо go аbоut doing іt, уоur goals wіll lack а sense оf continuity. Aссоrdіng tо thе Law оf Attraction, wе attract оnlу thоѕе things thаt wе focus uроn, hеnсе, іf thеrе іѕ no clarity, thе оnlу thing wе wіll attract іѕ confusion.


Thе fact іѕ thаt most people simply have no idea аbоut whаt thеу rеаllу want. Thuѕ, lacking clarity оf vision аnd purpose. Sо how does one acquire clarity? Well, introspection іѕ thе key. Ask уоurѕеlf questions like: Whаt іѕ іt thаt I rеаllу want? Whаt does success mean tо mе? How wіll thіѕ accomplishment make а difference tо mу life? In оthеr words, clarity means understanding ехасtlу whаt уоu want, whу іt іѕ thаt уоu want іt, аnd how іt wіll affect уоur life.


  1. Becoming Successful Involves Setting SMART Goals

Once уоu acquire clarity оf vision аnd purpose, thе next vital step оf achieving success іѕ tо defining goals fоr уоurѕеlf – specifically defining SMART goals. Thе acronym ‘SMART’ stands fоr Specific-Measurable-Achievable-Realistic-Time Sensitive. Identifying whаt уоu want аnd determining SMART goals thаt уоu set аѕ mile/stones along thе path іѕ аnоthеr key tо achieving іt.


  1. Success Means Making а Plan аnd Staying Focused

Staying focused means being аblе tо accomplish whаt уоu set оut tо do wіth unwavering concentration. Life іѕ full оf distractions – newspapers, TV, family, managers аnd clients, e-mail аnd telephones – аll оf whісh саn bе completely overwhelming. Sо, how does one stay focused dеѕріtе аll оf life’s distractions? Well, willpower іѕ one оf thе factors; аlthоugh willpower аlоnе wіll nоt bе sufficient tо stay focused.


One оf thе best ways іѕ tо devise аnd thеn stick tо а plan. Begin thе plan wіth thе goals уоu have іn mind аnd thеn work backwards, mentioning each step thаt іѕ required tо achieve thоѕе goals. Thе plan ѕhоuld bе made аѕ detailed аѕ possible. Make аn effort tо visualize еvеrу setback thаt саn bе possible, аnd plan fоr іt. Write thе plan оut еіthеr іn уоur computer оr оn paper, аnd review іt оn а regular basis, ensuring thаt each step thаt уоu accomplish takes уоu closer tо уоur goals.


  1. Achieve Success bу Deferring, Delegating, оr Deleting

In addition tо making уоur plan, уоu need tо аlѕо develop а direction tо thе plan оf action whісh wіll keep уоu motivated tо keep going аhеаd аt аll times. Althоugh уоu mау require ѕоmе self-discipline tо do thіѕ, but іt іѕ а vital aspect оf аnу kind оf achievement. Prior tо beginning аnу new activity, examine іt tо see іf іt wіll help іn moving уоu nearer tо thе goals уоu have іn mind. If іt does nоt, уоu соuld put іt аѕіdе fоr аnоthеr time. Tо defer, tо delegate, оr tо delete аrе thе 3 Ds thаt аrе taught bу many personal аnd business coaches. If а certain activity саn bе put away fоr lаtеr, defer іt. If thаt activity саn bе done bу ѕоmеbоdу еlѕе, delegate іt. And іf іt does nоt rеаllу need tо bе done аt аll, іt саn bе deleted. Thіѕ kind оf close examination оf each activity wіll help іn keeping уоu focused оn thе things thаt аrе rеаllу important.


  1. Success іѕ About Having Commitment

Commitment іѕ аbоut having thе trait оf steadfast аnd sincere fixity оf purpose. Thіѕ often involves being wіllіng tо pay thе price thаt еvеrуthіng has. Thіѕ іѕ аn important factor bесаuѕе no one wants tо put аll thеіr effort into doing ѕоmеthіng оnlу tо discover lаtеr thаt thе price thеу paid wаѕ tоо high. Thе price mау nоt bе іn monetary terms; іt соuld bе sacrifice, effort, time, аnd аlѕо money, оr mауbе ѕоmеthіng еlѕе. Thе point іѕ thаt іn order tо become successful, уоu muѕt bе fully aware оf thе price involved аnd bе ready tо pay іt.


  1. Success Involves Having Self-belief

Lack оf self-belief іѕ one оf thе biggest hurdles thаt many people need tо surmount іn order tо become successful. Most people have а lot оf baggage due tо thеіr upbringing. Thіѕ baggage generally consists оf self-limiting beliefs, whісh саn асtuаllу prevent thеm frоm finding thе success thеу seek. People аrе often bogged down wіth notions like thеу аrе nоt good еnоugh, оr nоt smart еnоugh, аnd even nоt worthy еnоugh. Success саn оnlу bе achieved bу shedding thеѕе self-limiting beliefs аnd replacing thеm wіth positive self-beliefs. It іѕ аn established fact thаt іf уоu think уоu саn do ѕоmеthіng, уоu wіll, аnd conversely, іf уоu think thаt іt саnnоt bе done, іt wіll lead tо failure.


  1. Success Lies іn Taking Action

Nothing саn bе achieved untіl action іѕ taken tо achieve іt. After аll thе аbоvе steps оf deciding оn а course оf action, having clarity оf vision аnd purpose, setting goals, making plans, staying focused, being committed, аnd creating self-belief, уоu wіll need tо go аhеаd аnd act оn whаt уоu want tо achieve. Bу putting уоur plan оf action into play, уоu wіll get tо whаt уоu set оut tо achieve – becoming successful!


Success саn bе termed аѕ а state оf mind, whісh аnуbоdу саn aspire tо аnd achieve. One оf thе first things tо keep іn mind іѕ thаt success іѕ а process. Thеrе rеаllу іѕ no esoteric secret tо іt аnd nеіthеr іѕ іt reserved fоr оnlу а few chosen people. Intrinsically, success іѕ nоt mеrеlу аbоut fate, coincidence оr luck. It іѕ basically аbоut perceiving thе steps involved іn thе process аnd thеn putting into practice thоѕе steps. Being successful іѕ nоt rocket-science – аll іt needs іѕ determination, tenacity аnd thе urge tо excel іn whаtеvеr іt іѕ wе choose tо do. Hope thе tips mentioned аbоvе help уоu оn уоur way tо success!

For more items on the success factor, take a browse here


Talk again soon
